Nature’s Corner and Nature Nuggets

Recent Nature Corner

I see a lot of requests for snake identification on Facebook and NextDoor and occasionally, I see requests for snake relocation.  Here’s some information provided to me by Laura Osterman regarding snake identification. 

There are many snake identification Facebook pages.  I like Southeast Texas Snake ID and Central Texas Snake ID.  They are moderated, educational Facebook groups created to help people understand and protect the native reptiles, especially snakes. The goal of both of these groups is to educate. They know that some people are very reactive to snakes and often kill them quickly, usually with an incorrect identification. They don’t judge, they educate. Post a picture of a snake in your yard or on a walk and they identify it in minutes. You or a pet have been bitten? They point you to professionals who can help and don’t allow armchair “doctors and vets” to give advice that is usually harmful. I have been a member of the Southeast Texas group for many years, joining the Central Texas group when we moved here. I’ve learned to identify most native snakes, most importantly the venomous ones. Check the groups out, hang out there for a while and learn how to ID and protect our native legless critters! 

Thanks Laura !!!

Here’s a link to a Facebook page that lists many snake ID pages in Texas:

We have several snake experts in our area and they gave me permission to share their contact information with you:

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